영어공부 썸네일형 리스트형 원서 읽기 | HATCHET | #1 had been all that (오직) ~만 요즘 영어 공부를 위해 원서를 읽기 시작했다.나중에 활용할만한 표현을 기록하려고 한다. 주제... the drone of the engine had been all that was left. Had been all that :: 과거의 한 시점에서 다른 모든 것이 사라지고 남아있는 유일한 것을 강조하는 표현 오직 ~만이 남아있었다. / ~가 전부였다.문장 중간에서는 (오직) ~만 라는 의미로 생각하는 것이 쉽고 자연스럽다.사용법 : [주어] had been all that [동사(과거)] 비교미사용The drone of the engine was left.엔진의 웅웅거리는 소리가 남아있었다. 사용The drone of the engine had been all that was left. 오직 엔진의.. JOURNAL | Motivation As of now, I will write a diary in English every day.I personally like to study (or use) English, I don't have sufficient chances to use it.I have been struggling to look for the way to use my English skills and improve it.I listen to it. I read it.But, I don't speak and write it.So, I started to write it. I am so not satisfied with this low quality diary already, but I have nothing to do now.I .. 이전 1 다음