hatchet 읽기 썸네일형 리스트형 원서 읽기 | HATCHET | #4 puny and round 주제In moments his eyes were swollen shut and his face puny and round to match his battered forehead. 위 문장을 해석하는 데에 애를 먹었다. 분석해보니 아래 두 문장이 하나로 연결된 것① His eyes were swollen shut② His face were puny and round → AND 로 연결하면서 ②번 문장의 were을 앞으로 뺌 일반적이진 않지만 가능한 구조라고 한다. ※ Swllon 부어오른 :: If a part of your body is swollen, it is larger and rounder than normal, usually as a result of injury or illness... 원서 읽기 | HATCHET | #3 Tightened into as series of rolling knots 주제 His stomach tightened into a series of rolling knots and his breath came in short bursts. Tightened into a series of rolling knots :: 긴장감이나 불안감이 점차 쌓여서 복잡하고 얽힌 상태가 되는 느낌을 주는 표현 :: Someones's body or emotions are becoming extremely tense, twisted, and agitated, often due to strong feelings like fear, anxiety, or stress. Similar to how a rope would become tangled and knotted when pulled tigh.. 이전 1 다음